The gold standard
GOLD3PL has locations in Dallas & Houston, Texas. Additionally, GOLD maintains a network of non-affiliated 3PL service providers throughout the US, Canada and Western Europe. Gold’s customers span the gambit from individual Ecomm entrepreneurs through multinational Fortune 500 clients.
G3PL has an inclusive culture, employee retention is exceedingly high, maintaining an average length of service of 8.5 years. G3PL has a similar successful retention rate with clients as well.
G3PL has best of class customer service, guarantees it’s rates and offers long term agreements. We serve at the pleasure of our customers and we always deliver excellence! Acting in partnership with our clients is a core competency at GOLD, we build out custom shipping experiences for our clients. Our accuracy and speed to market are unparalleled, simply stated, GOLD3PL is the right partner to handle all of your logistics needs.